Karla's blog

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. ~Proverbs 31:10~

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

On Monday Afternoon

I went to the chiropractor (Dr. Doan). He does the Gonstead technique. Any ways, I needed to go. I have had some pain on and off. He usually does 1 adjustment per visit, but he had to make an exception this time and do 2. Because I really needed it. He felt my spine and I had a little swelling where it was out of wack. It hurt when he put pressure. Just to let you know he fixes the cause of the problem, he does not cure it. Your body does that itself. Now, I am doing better. And after that, I went to a ladies LIFT meeting. This time we met on the campus of Heartland Baptist Bible College, instead of at the church. So we could kinda have a picnic. It was fun. My friend Amber participated in a game that we had. She had to drink a cup of water, then a cup of lemon juice, and then she ate a packet of pure sugar. It almost, made her sick, but she is okay now. Also, on Monday, my dad finally emailed some realtors in Enid, so we could maybe get a showing of some houses and one of them called yesterday around 3 o'clock, but my dad wasn't home yet from work, so I had to take a message. I am sooooo, excited. I hope we are able to move up to Enid. It will be great if we are able to move up there, because then I will be closer to my best friend Nancy. We are like two peas in a pod. If we move up there, it will be a step of faith for sure, because we don't exactly have a lot of money, but God is good. And if He wants us to move up there He will supply every need.


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