Thursday the 25th
But, before we left I had to get some stuff together, that I was taking with us. So, after that Amber, my dad, and I finally left after that. When we got on up to the northside we picked my brother up first, then headed up to Enid. It takes about an hour and a half to get to Enid. When we got to the Vance Air Force Base by dad had to show the guy at the entrance identification before we could go through. After that we parked and went inside. I forgot to tell you that it was suppossed to be a surprise that Amber was coming and Kris wasn't suppossed to know, but somehow he figured it out. Any way, during the ceremony, we had to sit the 3rd row back because we weren't related to the Walkers. I was on the verge of tears during the ceremony. After, the ceremony we had cake and soda, water, and lemonade. Then when we were all finished we left and went to the Walkers house for lunch. This is what there was for lunch: tuna sandwhiches, egg sandwhiches, pasta salad, (gross) celery, cucumbers, carrots, bbq chips, cheetos, and some other kind of chips. There were muffins and brownies for the sweet tooth. Raspberry tea, crystal light tea, regular tea, and some punch. After that my dad, Nancy, and me went to look at two houses, because we are looking at moving up there. My dad and I liked the second house better. Both houses need a lot of repairs done to them. The second house has potential. Now, the outside of the second house is ugly and need some work on the outside, but I like the porch it has, it's a great porch. And it's a good price. Who cares what the outside looks like as long as it looks good on the inside. Well, anywho, when we were done with that we went back to the Walkers. At about 4:15 we watched Pride and Predjudice(the one with Keira Knightly, the new one), it was okay, but the older one from the '90's was a lot better and there was one part of it where there were statues that did not have clothing on so we had to fast forward it. During the movie we had to pause to get some dinner before continuing it. In the movie there were parts that were totally different than the one that has Colin Firth in it. I kinda got a little annoyed, which was, because of the changes they had made in the newer version. An dit didn't have as much sarcasm in it as the older one. BUT, anyways, I had a good time in Enid. After that, we had to go home. But, before that, we went into the kitchen with all of the Walkers and their extended families and Kris told Amber that he wouldn't see her for the whole summer, because he was going to New Mexico for an internship to work in the church there over the summer, but that before he went he wanted to tell her he loved her. It was the first time that he told her that. They have been courting for quite some time. And since they have convictions about waiting to touch eachother till they are married, he had his mom(Momma Walker) hug her for him and Amber hugged Momma Walker back. Amber has been waiting for those words for awhile. She has loved him for awhile, but she wanted him to say it first(it should be that way anyway) and she was so happy. It was soooo special for her, and one of the reasons is because he said it was in front of his family. It was the sweetest thing. I have never witnessed anything like it before. I hope that someday, the same thing will happen to me , but I hope my dad is there, I would prefer to have my dad here who ever he is say it to me. Well, because I want my dad involved in everything. I am soooooo happy for Kris and Amber. It is sooo exciting to watch couples who do things right according to God's Word and don't touch eachother. Kris is like a brother. And Amber is a good friend of mine. Yay! :) :D
At Saturday, May 27, 2006,
Nancy said…
I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ON SUNDAY!! I'm so glad you'll be here the whole day! :D
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