Yesterday after Sunday School, I found my dad in the choir room before the church service started to ask him if we could go up to Enid for the evening church service up there b/c I really wanted to go up there. Anyways, so we went. I had a blast. Justice kept wanting me to hold him.Yay! Timothy,(Bro. Swope's other son) Caleb, and Joshua (Nancy's brothers) were outside being weird. But all guys are weird so what do you expect? One of the guys burped and didn't say excuse me, and if he did he didn't say it loud enough for us to hear. It was gross.Caleb actually smiled(I have never seen him smile at all, he always looks so solemn) and he actually talked to me, which was kinda a surprise, but it was my own doing, I mean about him talking. I said something to draw him out of it and it worked. I like for people to talk. I mean they don't always have to talk. And Josh's shoes look like house shoes.He doesn't like them,b ut his parents bought them for him and I don't think he has a choice. But, maybe I shouldn't say that they look like that b/c I don't want to offend Momma and Daddy Walker. Any ways, Nancy had told me before that Thomas could play the piano really well. And was she right. He is very accomplished at it. It was beautiful. He's plays just like this guy, Trevor W. who is only in 7th grade. So it would be the other way round since Thomas is older than Trevor. Thomas is a sophmore in highschool, and he wants to serve God. It is awsome when people have the desire to serve God. His dad and their family are going to check out a church in Arkansas and see if his dad will pastor it or not. Forgot to mention that his father is a preacher and is looking for another church who needs a pastor. Anyways, Bro. Garland, the pastor of Hallmark Baptist has left for N. Carolina today, to be with his wife, I think someone is or ill or something, I can't remember. He won't be back till the 19th. My dad and I are praying about moving up there, to Enid, Ok. We both want to. It certainly would be wonderful. God brought me up there to visit to meet Nancy and He knew we would become friends. I am so thankful that He brought me a friend who has the same like-mindedness. She is great and so is her family. Love ya Nancy!!!! You're the best!!!!!!!!!!
At Monday, May 08, 2006,
Nancy said…
I'm glad you came up too!! I had a good time, next time I'll talk more, ok? I love you too girl!!!! *BIG hug*
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