When all earth's kindred tribes do plea--
That God's perchance in His great plan
Would heed their cry to send a man
That the Saviour they might see.
Content? How can I be,
While Satan gloats and laughs with glee
And ushers countless souls to hell
Many because I did not tell
Christ gives the victory.
Content? How can I say,
I've done my best for Christ today,
When not one soul to Him I've led
Nor to a sinking sinner said,
"Jesus has paid thr way".
Content? How can I be,
When Jesus gave His all for me
Smitten and scorned---was crucified,
Naked and bleeding freely died
To set the sinner free.
Content? One day I'll be
When I at last my Saviour see,
As He in stately splendor stands,
To welcome me with outstretched hands:
"Praise God for Calvary".
--------------------Pioneer Missionary Pilot and Church Planter Bro. Jim Cooper to the Caicos Islands in the Bahamas, from 1961 to 1973. He wrote this while attending a christian college(Tennessee Temple College) as a ministerial student. He was one of the many heros of the faith. You can read more about him and his family in the book,"Drama In The Real Lives Of Missionaries", volume 1 by Clifford E. Clark.
At Monday, June 05, 2006,
Nancy said…
Hey kiddo, I thought you said you were working on your blog.....
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