Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Uncle Aaron and Nickel

Uncle Aaron and Nickel

G-ma and Simba Lou



My dad cutting birthday cake(it was
his and my g-ma's b-day)

My dad cutting the cake.

Uncle Aaron

My rebellious uncle.

He didn't want me taking his picture.

Papa talking.

Simba Lou




Squirrel in my next door neighbor's
yard being nosy and looking inside a pail
they have in their backyard.

What a messy little boy my brother is.
But, what can ya say, he's 3.

Bradley posing with his tostada.

Bradley eating his tostada.

Bradley playing w/Lady, our dog.

Family Fall Festival @ our church in

Bradley and me.

My Gramps

Uncle T

My Gramps is eating popcorn.

Papa and Bradley.

Some of the ppl that had come to my
b-day dinner @ Johnny Carino's.

Esther and I

Evie and Me

My dad and me.

Nathalie, me and Melissa.

Jodie and me.

The guy waving is Ben Logue. He is the
bus captain and bus driver on the church
bus that I work on.

Here I am cutting my b-day cake.
By the way it was me 18th b-day.