Poems- of waiting for God's perfect will/purity
I know that you don't know me yet, my dear.
But our Father Does,
And in time will make it clear.
For now, I want you to know
I am waiting for you.
Faithfully waiting 'til the day
The Lord makes one out of us two.
He's preparing us for each other,
Just keep this in mind.
In the future we'll look back
And see He was so kind.
In preparing us now,
Making us wait...
And remember, my beloved-
God is never late.
I'm praying for you
And I want you to know,
I'm keeping myself for you
For I love you so.
Wherever you are,
Remember that I'm waiting for you.
I hope and pray,
That you're waiting for me,too.
On this day for lovers,
Called Valentine's Day,
I want you to know
I love you, and will always.
So, I prayed a letter and
A kiss would blow your way,
Saying, I love you, darling.
Happy Valentine's Day!
-----Gretchen L. Glaser
I Am A Married Woman
I'm a married woman,
Most folks don't know it.
My body is my husband's.
I don't rightly own it.
No one else
Has any claim on me.
I am my husband's-
Don't touch his property.
Treat me like a married woman,
'Cause that's just what I am you see.
God has a husband picked out for me,
And I am waiting for him, faithfully.
So think of me as a sister-
Don't look at me lustfully.
I'm not a means for thrills.
I'm a married woman, you see.
I am not a toy to make you feel good,
I'm not a decoration for your arm
To make you look good,
I'm not yours to love or harm.
People talk about "free sex"
But there's no such thing with me.
Sex with me comes at a high price:
Lifelong marriage and fidelity.
I'll be your friend and sister
But nothing more.
My husband is the one
I am waiting for.
To be his and his only.
'Til death do us part.
I am committed to him.
With my body, mind, and heart.
So treat m like you would
If my husband was at hand.
Look at me with purity-
I am a married woman.
------Gretchen L. Glaser
My heart is like a geyser, Lord - warm feelings want to overflow.
But you would have me control them for now I know.
My heart wants to let go restraint, and fully burst out into love,
But You warn me to wait, and think of things above.
It's not time yet, So I must turn
My passions away, from the things I yearn,
And put my youthful energy into service for Thee.
Learning and growing daily-more of You in me.
Sometimes my heart threatens, and even bubbles o'er a bit,
But You tell me to hold on-it isn't time for that yet.
You need to complete Your work in single me
Before I can be joined with another in matrimony.
We're crossing the river at the same time, he and I-
But at different places and different depths. Why?
So we don't pull eachother down, but keep our eyes on You,
Learning of patience, true love, dedication and sacrifice, too.
And then, when it's time, all Heaven will watch in praise,
As two hearts become one, and we promise always.
--------Gretchen L. Glaser
Sometimes I ask the question, "my Lord, is this Your will?'
It's then I hear You answer me, "My precious child,... be still."
Sometimes I feel frustrated, cause I think I know what's best.
It's then I hear you say to me, "My busy child...just rest."
Sometimes I feel lonely and I think I'd like a mate.
Your still small voice gets oh so clear and says,"My child please wait."
"I know the plans I have for you, The wonderous things you'll see;
If you can just be patient, Child, and put you trust in Me.'
"I've plans to draw you closer. I've plans to help you grow.
There's much I do you cannot see and much you do not know."
"But know this, Child...I love you, you are precious unto Me.
Before I formed you in the womb, I planned your destiny."
"I've something very special I hope for you to learn,
The gifts I wish to give you are gifts you cannot earn."
"They come without a price tag, but not without a cost;
At Calvary, I gave My Son, so you would not be lost."
"Rest Child, and do not be weary, of doing what is good.
I promise I'll come back for you, just like I said I would."
"Your name is written on My palm, I never forget;
Therefore, do not be discouraged when My answer is...Not Yet."
If You Loved Me
"If you loved me you'd do it."
But what about me?
What about my feelings?
You know that I'm not ready,
That it goes against everything I believe.
"If you loved me you'd do it."
But what about me?
Am I not the special cherished person
That you profess me to be?
Are all the words you whisper
in my ears just sweet lies?
"If you loved me you'd do it."
But what about me?
Don't I deserve to be loved, honored
and cherished?
Am I only worth a heated moment in
the back seat?
"If you loved me you'd do it."
But what about me?
Is the love that God talks about only for others?
Can love only be patient, kind, and understanding
For everyone else?
Am I worth so little?
You say that you love me,
So answer this question :
If I am so worthless to you
That you would chance ruining my life
And breaking my heart,
Why do you want me at all?
--Jennifer Matthews
My gifts a secret,
hid beneath this golden foil and bow.
My Father wrapped it in His Love
for only one to know.
My gift is very precious
and the wrapping's precious, too;
The one without the other
spoils the mystery and the clue.
For though the pressure's strong
my God is with me from the start,
and He'll be there with me
when I give my love,
My Gift Wrapped Heart.
Sex...Is like a Gift Wrapped in Brown Paper
There's a beautiful gift inside
this package
It's wrapped for protection
Tied for security
Stamped: "Fragile!" "Handle
with Care!"
It's easy to loosen the strings
To let anyone tear away the
To give the gift without
Offer it to the highest bidder,
Or hand it our as the prize for a game
There's a gift wrapped inside
this brown paper.
It's for keeps- not to be
No deposit. Non returnable
It's a surprise.
A happy treat to be opened
By the person
To whom it's addressed
On the date marked
---Ruth Senter
First Kiss
Something so rare
So beautiful
More rare than virginity
So rare, so rare
A higher level of purity
So rare it's thought to be insane
Really, it's unappeciated
So rare...
Its value has almost been forgotten
Lost in the twisted way of things
It is so rare
But it can be found
Something that can only be
Given away once
It's a special gift
With a special meaning
Meant for one person
Choose carefully the time
The place
And the mate
Once it's gone
You can never get it back
A gift so precious
So personal
When you choose to give it
You're giving a part of you
Don't rush to give it away
Time, time...
Yes there is plenty of time
With time comes greater value
And appreciation
Time is our perception
Either we are patient
Or miserable
We can take the time to wait
And in waiting we can grow
Or give it away right now
And in time regret
Time, it never goes away
It just keeps going
And waiting never hurts
This valuable gift
I have chosen to save
It is tucked away
For my wedding day
Saved for one man
God has waiting
Waiting for me to come along
I've saved my precious gift
Of my "First Kiss"
Will he save his?
Desperately, helplessly, lovingly, I cried:
Quietly, patiently, lovingly God relpied.
I plead and I wept for a clue to my fate,
And the Master so gently said,
"Child you must wait."
"Wait? You say, wait? My indignant reply.
"Lord, I need answers, I need to know why!
Is your hand shortened? Or have You not heard?
By faith, I have asked, and am claiming You Word.
My furture and all to which I can relate
Hangs in the balance, and YOU tell me to WAIT!
I'm needing a "Yes", a go-ahead sign.
Or even a "No" to which I can resign.
And Lord, You promised that if we believe
We need but to ask, and we shall receive.
And Lord, I've been asking, and this is my cry:
"I'm weary of asking! I need a reply!"
Then quietly, softly, I learned my fate
As my Master replied once again,"You must wait."
So, I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut
And grumbled to God,"So, I'm waiting...for what?"
He seemed, then to kneel
And His eyes wept with mine.
And He tenderly said, " I could give you a sign.
I could shake the heavens, and darken the sun.
I could raise the dead, and cause the mountains to run.
All you seek, I could give, and pleased you would be
You would have what you want-
But you wouldn't know Me.
You'd not know the depth of My love for each saint;
You'd not know the power I give to the faint;
You'd not learn to see through the clouds of despair;
You'd not learn to trust just by knowing I'm there;
You'd not know the joy of resting in Me;
When darkness and silence were all you could see.
You'd never experience the fullness of my love
As the peace of My Spirit descends like a dove;
You'd know that I give and save, for a start,
But you'd not know the depth of the beat of My heart.
The glow of My comfort late into the night,
The faith that I give when you walk without sight,
The depth that's beyond getting just what you asked
Of an infinite God, who makes what you have last.
You'd never know, should the pain quickly flee,
What it means that,"My grace is sufficient for thee."
Yes, your dreams for your loved one
Overnight would come true.
But, Oh, the Loss! If I lost what I'm doing in you!
So, be silent, My child, and in time you will see
That the greatest of gifts is to get to know Me.
And though oft' may My answers seem trribly late,
My most precious answer of all is still, "Wait."
Your Perfect Will
Lord, You know I want Your perfect will for my life.
Be to somebody the perfect wife.
Can't wait till that special day, won't leave him till You take me away.
I know in Your time You will bring me the one.
I need Your guidance to help me wait till your done.
So, as I wait, I pray and meditate.