Karla's blog

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. ~Proverbs 31:10~

Saturday, May 13, 2006

The Walker Family

I am so greatful for the Walker family. They are so awsome. They are godly people. Nancy is my best friend, sister - in- Christ, and adopted sister. I have adopted them as my family. Momma Walker is sooooooo sweet and a blessing. You can tell she is a loving and caring person. She just loves children. And God loves it when people have given the area of children to Him and let Him rule that area, as well as other areas , too. Children are an heritage to the Lord. It just blesses God when people do that. I want to know them better. I am sooooooo glad that the Lord had Kris and Amber ask me to go along when they were going on that Sunday. God knew I needed a friend who was like-minded and one who could be my best friend. I love Nancy so much and I love her family, too. I enjoy going up there and fellowshipping with them. And Jussie is so cute and sweet. Micah is soooo awnry(Kris,too). Kris is so funny and a little strange, but in a good way*smile*. Hannah is sweet, too. She is fun to be around,too. It's fun teasing Jussie and Caleb(Frownie Brownie). And Joshy Washy, well, I don't know, he hasn't talked much, yet. But, he will eventually.And Granny is a sweetheart. Daddy Walker is great! Am I leaving anyone out? Well, Nancy Bancy, I think that's all, so yup. I will write more on the Walker family sometime.
(By the way Nance, I am proud of Hannah)

From the Lips of Hudson Taylor

"I used to ask God to help me. Then I asked if I might help Him.I ended up by asking Him to do His work through me."

Friday, May 12, 2006

Thank You

~Consider how much we really ought to be thankful for! Have you thanked Him today?

Dear GOD:

I want to thank You for what you have already done.
I am not going to wait until I see results or receive
rewards,I am thanking You right now... I am not going
to wait until I feelbetter or things look better,I am
thanking You right now I am not going to wait until
people saythey are sorry or until they stop talking
about me,I am thanking You right now.
I am not going to wait until the pain inmy body
disappears,I am thanking You right now.
I am not going to wait until my financial situation
improves,I am going to thank You right now.
I am not going to wait until the children are asleep
and the house is quiet,I am going to thank You right now.
I am not going to wait until I get promoted at work or until I get the job,
I am going to thank You right now.
I am not going to wait until I understand every experience in my life
that has caused me pain or grief,I am going to thank You right now.
I am not going to wait until the journey gets easier or the challenges are removed.
I am going to thank You right now.
I am thanking You because I am alive.
I am thanking You because I made it through the day's difficulties.
I am thanking You because I have walked around the obstacles.
I am thanking You because I have the ability and the opportunity to domore and do better.
I am thanking You because FATHER, YOU haven't given up on me.

God is just so good and He's good all the time.

(I received this as a email)

From George Mueller's Lips

"To learn strong faith is to endure great trials.I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings."


"If the Lord fails me at this time, it will be the first time."

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Satan's Meeting

The Enemy called a worldwide convention of demons. In his opening address he said, "We can't keep Christians from going to church." "We can't keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth." "We can't even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their Savior."

"Once they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken."

"So let them go to their churches; let them have their covered dish dinners, but steal their time, so they don't have time to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ."

"This is what I want you to do", said the devil: "Distract them from gaining hold of their Savior and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day!"

"How shall we do this?" his demons shouted.

Keep them busy in the nonessentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds," he answered. "Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, and borrow, borrow, borrow. Persuade the wives to go to work for long hours and the husbands to work 6-7 days each week, 10-12 hours a day, so they can afford their empty lifestyles. Keep them from spending time with their children. As their families fragment, soon, their homes will offer no escape from the pressures of work!"

"Over-stimulate their minds so that they cannot hear that still, small voice." "Entice them to play the radio or cassette player whenever they drive...to keep the TV, VCR, CDs and their PCs going constantly in their home and see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays non-biblical music constantly. This will jam their minds and break that union with Christ."

"Fill the coffee tables with magazines and newspapers. Pound their minds with the news 24 hours a day. Invade their driving moments with billboards. Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, mail order catalogs, sweepstakes, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering free products, services and false hopes."

"Keep skinny, beautiful models on the magazines and TV so their husbands will believe that outward beauty is what's important, and they'll become dissatisfied with their wives. Keep the wives too tired to love their husbands at night. Give them headaches too! If they don't give their husbands the love they need, they will begin to look elsewhere."

"That will fragment their families quickly!" "Give them Santa Claus to distract them from teaching their children the real meaning of Christmas. Give them an Easter bunny so they won't talk about his resurrection and power over sin and death."

"Even in their recreation, let them be excessive...have them return from their recreation exhausted. Keep them too busy to go out in nature and reflect on God's creation. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, plays, concerts, and movies instead."

"Keep them busy, busy, busy!" "And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences."

"Crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from Jesus. Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and family for the good of the cause."

"It will work!" "It will work!"

It was quite a plan! The demons went eagerly to their assignments causing Christians everywhere to get more busy and more rushed, going here and there. Having little time for their God or their families. Having no time to tell others about the power of Jesus to change lives. I guess the question is, has the devil been successful at his scheme?

You be the judge! Does "busy" mean:


(I received this as an email before)

When We See Christ(It will be worth it all)

Words and music by Esther Kerr Rusthoi

Oft times the day seems long, our trials hard to bear,
We're tempted to complain, to murmur and despair;
But Christ will soon appear to catch His Bride away,
All tears forever over in God's eternal day.

It will be worth it all when we see Jesus,
Life's trials will seem so small when we see Christ;
One glimpse of His dear face all sorrow will erase,
So bravely run the race till we see Christ.

Sometimes the sky looks dark with not a ray of light,
We're tossed and driven on , no human help in sight;
But there is one in heav'n who knows our deepest care,
Let Jesus solve your problem - just go to Him in pray'r.

It will be worth it all when we see Jesus,
Life's trials will seem so small when we see Christ;
One glimpse of His dear face all sorrow will erase,
So bravely run the race till we see Christ.

Life's day will soon be o'er, all storms forever past,
We'll cross the great divide, to glory, safe at last;
We'll share the joys of heav'n - a harp, a home, a crown,
The tempter will be banished, we'll lay our burden down.

It will be worth it all when we see Jesus,
Life's trials will seem so small when we see Christ;
One glimpse of His dear face all sorrow will erase,
So bravely run the race till we see Christ.

Take Time To Pray...

Early rising always seems to bring such reaction, or it becomes such a high place. The thing I have come to understand is that there is not a prescribed time to rise and there isn’t a single correct way. But, we sure have ample reason to do it. It is a high place or an idol when we try to do it because another woman does... or if we determine to get up at 4:51 AM because another woman does. Rather, it's a matter of the heart devoted to giving the LORD the very first portion of the day....before visiting, before food, before busy-ness. It seems to me that early is the time you set to get up and pray before your family wakes. It is an outward expression and a discipline of the flesh and the will to give up what we love (snuggling in a soft cozy warm bed) to do what we ought: worship our First Love.
-----Author Unknown


Get on
your knees
Before you
hit the keys
The computer
will be there
and they'll call
back if it's
that important

'Tis True

Daily Bible Study & Quiet Time Is Food For the Journey


The most important "tool" for daily Bible Study is PRAYER! Daily early prayer time: time in the Word reading systematically and reflecting on the passage you're studying is the best investment you'll ever make.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Weird Ways of the West

~Weird Ways West~

A California-bound airline in 1849!? Don't laugh; it almost happened. Rufus Porter, founder of Scientific American, planned to fly 49ers west on propeller-driven balloons powered by steam engines. He went to far as to advertise the expedition, and 200 brave souls signed up for the trip. But the "airline" never got off the ground.
Then there was the "wind wagon," sort of a cross between a sailboat and a wagon. It seemed like a good idea on paper; after all, it can be very windy in the West. A prototype was built and for a brief moment it barreled across the plains at the advertised 15 miles-per-hour. Then it went out of control and crashed. The inventor -- Wind-wagon Thomas -- kept trying for years, but never succeeded.
Others took a more low-tech approach, making the trip with only a simple wheelbarrow. It's hard to imagine pushing a fully-loaded wheelbarrow for 2,000 miles, but several dozen attempted the trip. For a time, they could outpace everything on the Trail, but human endurance has its limits. No one is quite sure if any of them made it all the way with their wheelbarrows.
Why all the weird contraptions? Everyone was in a big hurry to get west -- to strike it rich.


~The $100 drink of water~

Would you spend $100 for a glass of water? Some 49ers on the California Trail did.
Because of poor planning, many western-bound 49ers were unprepared for the hot, dry deserts of Nevada. A few sharp businessmen in California knew this and took advantage of the situation. They traveled eastward with barrels of water. Extremely thirsty, many 49ers paid $1, $5, even $100 for a glass of precious water.
But water was not the only expensive item on the Oregon-California Trail. For example, at the start of the journey, flour could be purchased for $4.00 a barrel, but further along the price rose to a sky-high $1.00 per pint. Other staples could also be quite expensive:

Sugar $1.50 per pint
Coffee $1.00 per pint

Surprisingly, there were other staples that were amazingly cheap. For example, at Ft. Laramie, bacon could be had for a penny per pound. Those who had excess bacon often considered it worthless and dumped it by the side of the road. One emigrant reported seeing ten tons on one pile.
Why the wide disparity in prices? The basic laws of supply and demand were at work. Most wagon trains took too much bacon and so it had little trading value. Water, on the other hand was in short supply and thus commanded a high price.


~Traffic on the Trail~

Bumper-to-bumper highway congestion isn't just a modern phenomena. Rush hour traffic on the Oregon-California trail was just as bad -- probably worse.
The image of a lone wagon on the endless prairie is largely myth; it's more accurate to imagine a moving city. Many reported seeing wagons all the way to the horizon day after day.
And just like today's highways, there was quite a bit of jockeying for position. The goal was to get in front of the pack because anyone who was behind had to eat the billowing dust kicked up by the wagons ahead. Competition was fierce; those in the back often had to put on goggles just to see.
The crowded conditions got even worse in the evening when the wagons came together to camp. Many 49ers discovered that previous wagon trains had overgrazed the prairie, and so there was no remaining grass for the oxen and mules to graze. So it was not uncommon for 49ers to venture miles off the trail in the evening in search of grass for their animals.
A more serious consequence of all this crowding was poor sanitation. Each new wagon train dug their latrines near the previous group's -- and there was often leakage into the water supply. The result was illness and death.


~To California via Antarctica~

Not every 49er used the Oregon -California Trail. There were other routes to gold country -- one came perilously close to Antarctica!
Those who did not want to endure a four month walk across the west, traveled to California by ship. Trouble was, there was no direct water route to the west coast. So a ship leaving New York had to travel all the way to the tip of South America -- skirting the edge of the the Antarctic continent -- before heading north to California. It was a difficult trip that sometimes took a complete year.
So it was inevitable that several shortcuts were developed for the gold-crazed 49ers who were in a big hurry to get west. The most popular cutoff involved taking a ship to the Isthmus of Panama, then trekking overland to the Pacific side (remember, there was no Panama Canal then) where another ship would pick them up -- hopefully.
When the 49ers got to the Pacific side, they waited and waited for weeks, or even months. When a ship finally did arrive, passage might cost $500 or $1000, and sometimes there was no space at any price.
Even worse, many of the Pacific-side ships were unseaworthy and sank en route. In the end, many regretted not taking the overland route.


~The Stinky Trail~

Imagine the sunburn you'd get from being outside from sunup to sundown every day for six months. No sunblock. No lotion. That was reality for the California-bound 49ers -- most wound up with leathery, sunbaked skin. But that was just the beginning.
Imagine sweating profusely in 90 degree heat day after day -- but never taking a bath or shower. That too was typical of life on the trail.
And remember, this was before the days of t-shirts. Women wore long dresses , and men wore long pants. And there wasn't even much changing of clothes. They wore the same clothes day after day.
Could it get any worse? Yes. They often had no choice but to drink rancid water, which had the inevitable result: diarrhea. For many, it was a chronic condition.
All these factors combined to create some rather deplorable hygienic conditions. Even the native tribes were repulsed by the smell. The Native Americans, who bathed regularly, thought the emigrants were uncivilized because of their poor hygiene.

DiD yOu KnOw?

Clouds fly higher during the day than the night.

135 million cars travel the nation's roads and interstates each day.

Notable Quotes

Pride calls me to the window, gluttony to the table, wantonness to the bed, laziness to the chimney-corner; ambition commands me to go upstairs, and covetousness to come down. Vices, I see, are as well contrary to themselves as to virtue. Free me, Lord, from this distracted case; fetch me from being sin’s servant to be Thine, whose “service is perfect freedom,” for Thou art but one, and ever the same.... Thomas Fuller (1608-1661)

Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian, any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.... Billy Sunday (1862-1935)

"A leader, once convinced a particular course of action is the right one, must have the determination to stick with it and be undaunted when the going gets rough" -Ronald Reagan

Do not pray for easy lives; pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers; pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle, but you yourself shall be a miracle. Every day you shall wonder at yourself, at the richness of life which has come to you by the grace of God.... Phillips Brooks (1835-1893)

He Didn't Throw The Clay Away

Empty and broken, I came back to Him

A vessel unworthy, so scarred with sin

But He did not despair, He started over again

And I bless the day,He didn't throw the clay away.

Over and over, He molds me and makes me

Into His likeness, He fashions the clay

A vessel of honor, I am today

All because Jesus didn't throw the clay away.

He is the Potter, I am the clay

Molded in His image, He wants me to stay

But, when I stumble and fall and my vessel breaks

He just picks up the pieces,

He doesn't throw the clay away.

Over and over, He molds me And makes me

Into His likeness, He fashions the clay

A vessel of honor, I am today

All because Jesus didn't throw the clay away.

------Unknown Author

Does Jesus Care?

Does Jesus care when my heart is pained
Too deeply for mirth or song,
As the burdens press, and the cares distress
And the way grows weary and long?

Oh yes, He cares, I know He cares,
His heart is touched with my grief;
When the days are weary, the long nights dreary,
I know my Savior cares.

Frank E. Graeff, 1901

God Will Make A Way

God will make a way,
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way, He will make a way.

By a roadway in the wilderness,
He'll lead me
And rivers in the desert will
I seeHeaven and earth will fade
But His Word will still remain
He will do something new today.

-----Author Unknown

Tied Down by Edgar Guest

"They tie you down," a woman said,
Whose cheeks should have been flaming red
With shame to speak of children so.
When babies come you cannot go
In search of pleasure with your friends,
And all your happy wandering ends.
The things you like you cannot do,
For babies make a slave of you."
I looked at her and said:
" ‘Tis trueThat children make a slave
of you,And tie you down with many a
knot,But have you ever to whatIt is of
happiness and pride
That little babies have you tied?

Do you not miss the greater joys
That come with little girls and boys?
They tie you down to laughter rare,
To hours of smiles and hours of care,
To nights of watching and to fears;
Sometimes they tie you down to tears
And then repay you with a smile,
And make your trouble all worth while.
They tie you fast to chubby feet,
And cheeks of pink and kisses sweet.
They fasten you with cords of love
To God divine, who reigns above
They tie you, whereso’er you roam,
Unto the little place called home;
And over sea or railroad track
They tug at you to bring you back.
The happiest people in the town
Are those the babies have tied down.
Oh, go your selfish way and free,
But hampered I would rather be,
Yes rather that a kingly crown
I would be, what you term, tied down;
Tied down to dancing eyes and charms,
Held fast by chubby, dimpled arms,
The fettered slave of girl and boy,
And win from them earth’s finest joy."

Make Me A Servant

Make me a servant

Humble and meek

LORD let me lift up those who are weak

And may the prayer of my heart

Always be

Make me a servant

Make me a servant

Make me a servant...to-day.

-----Author Unknown

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

HBBC Week- Monday Night Service

This week is Heartland Baptist Bible College's Graduation week. So, Monday through Thursday there is preaching by different pastors or evangelist. Tonight, which is Tuesday, evangelist Bro.Dave McCracken is preaching. He is based out of our church.And tomorrow night evangelist Bro. John Bishop, who is from Arkansas, is preaching. Also, on Thursday night Pastor, Bro. Kevin O'Brien of the Bethany Baptist Church in Lubbock, Texas is preaching, and then either before or after that is the graduation ceremony. Last night, Pastor, Bro. Jeff Ables of the Berean Baptist Church of Springfield, Missouri preached.

Here's what I wrote down from last night's message. It might not make sense. I just write whatever I can. :

Date:5-7-06 Monday Night
Preaching: Bro. Jeff Ables
Text: Genesis 3:1-5

Every time we hear someone preach, you need to decide whether you are going to serve God or serve the Devil. Satan likes to come into the church and give or try to give pastors and missionaries advice.We're certainly are in a battle with that old snake(Satan). Satan is a deceiving, crafty, sly, and a lying snake. The ways of the Devil have never changed. The Devil has not changed his methods. He doesn't want us to know the truth. One by one fundamental churches will die if they start listening to the advice of Satan. Truth is absolute, old, relevant, and it is not neo or new. Truth is in God's Word. God is not the author of confusion. He is the author of order. There are over 700 English translations of cult bibles and other bibles(that are not from the Textus Receptus). That is confusion. But not God's True Word, b/c He is not the author of confusion.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Sundayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nightttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday after Sunday School, I found my dad in the choir room before the church service started to ask him if we could go up to Enid for the evening church service up there b/c I really wanted to go up there. Anyways, so we went. I had a blast. Justice kept wanting me to hold him.Yay! Timothy,(Bro. Swope's other son) Caleb, and Joshua (Nancy's brothers) were outside being weird. But all guys are weird so what do you expect? One of the guys burped and didn't say excuse me, and if he did he didn't say it loud enough for us to hear. It was gross.Caleb actually smiled(I have never seen him smile at all, he always looks so solemn) and he actually talked to me, which was kinda a surprise, but it was my own doing, I mean about him talking. I said something to draw him out of it and it worked. I like for people to talk. I mean they don't always have to talk. And Josh's shoes look like house shoes.He doesn't like them,b ut his parents bought them for him and I don't think he has a choice. But, maybe I shouldn't say that they look like that b/c I don't want to offend Momma and Daddy Walker. Any ways, Nancy had told me before that Thomas could play the piano really well. And was she right. He is very accomplished at it. It was beautiful. He's plays just like this guy, Trevor W. who is only in 7th grade. So it would be the other way round since Thomas is older than Trevor. Thomas is a sophmore in highschool, and he wants to serve God. It is awsome when people have the desire to serve God. His dad and their family are going to check out a church in Arkansas and see if his dad will pastor it or not. Forgot to mention that his father is a preacher and is looking for another church who needs a pastor. Anyways, Bro. Garland, the pastor of Hallmark Baptist has left for N. Carolina today, to be with his wife, I think someone is or ill or something, I can't remember. He won't be back till the 19th. My dad and I are praying about moving up there, to Enid, Ok. We both want to. It certainly would be wonderful. God brought me up there to visit to meet Nancy and He knew we would become friends. I am so thankful that He brought me a friend who has the same like-mindedness. She is great and so is her family. Love ya Nancy!!!! You're the best!!!!!!!!!!

Caleb Thompson's Letter From April 2006

Caleb D. Thompson
Smith Unit: 1313 C.R. 19, Lamesa TEXAS 79331
March and April 2006

My Dearly Beloved Brethren,

“I feel that I should ask the Lord to break us, but I’m afraid of the results of such a prayer,” my wife tearfully confessed. I assured her that it would rejoice Father’s heart to hear it and that He would answer it in faithfulness and perfect love. The date was June 3o, 2002. Three days later the police entered the church to inform Joshua and me that criminal charges had been pressed against us. No doubt exists in my mind about the effectiveness of that prayer: God most definitely heard it and answered abundantly. He has answered several other prayers as generously.
In a moment of heightened spiritual experience, I spoke from my heart these words that I’d often sung before: “Whatever it takes to draw closer to you Lord, that’s what I’ll be willing to do; whatever it takes to be more like you, that’s what I’ll be willing to do: I’ll trade sunshine for rain, comfort for pain, that’s what I’ll be willing to do; for whatever it takes for my will to break, that’s what I’ll be willing to do; take the dearest thing from me, if that’s how it must be, for I’m placing my whole life in your hands…” I’m still wondering what in the world drove me to pray that! Less than a week later, my wife was removed from my visitation list, and we are soon to celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary with eleven months of separation. I’m reminded everyday that God heard my prayer and believing me to be sincere, answered me sincerely!
I can point to another prayer that was definitely heard and continues to be answered with daily provision: I was foolishly doubting the validity of prayer one night after reviewing a list of unanswered prayers. In a desperate attempt to receive divine attention and approval, I decided to try out one of Christ’s prayers: “Not as I will, but what Thou wilt!” That prayer indisputably gained results. I would have filled up an “answered prayer” journal several times by now if I were recording the generous answers to this one. The Lord must have put this prayer in a perpetual “Yes” file, because the conditions I’ve faced over the last few years are certainly not as I will!
“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7), was Christ’s condition for effective prayer. Abiding in Christ transforms us until what we will is His will. It is only safe for the Lord to grant our wills when once they are surrendered to His. Apart from Him and aside from His Word, one’s wills are not to be granted, but these were not our wills but our wonderings, and it is for our benefit that they were denied. In fact, some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. Searching through the pockets of a deceased Confederate soldier for any identification or contact information, a medic came upon a crumpled piece of paper with these words:

I asked God for health, that I might do great things:
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.
I asked for strength, that I might achieve:
I was made weak, that I might learn to obey.
I asked for riches, that I might be happy:
I was given poverty, that I might be wise.
I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men:
I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life:
I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing I asked for, but everything I hoped for,
Despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am, among all men, most richly blessed.

How grateful I am that “the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered, and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God” (Romans 8:26,27).
It is my privilege to lift you all up in fervent, intercessory prayer, and “God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you.” However, I caution you that my prayers are for devotion, discipline, likeness to Christ, and eternal values, and just such a prayer resulted in my incarceration. If you wish to be removed from my prayer list, write and let me know! J The Lord be magnified! His yoke is easy, and His burden is light!

Your Loving Brother,


Note:For better understanding of the unjust punishment of our dear brothers in Christ, Caleb and Joshua Thompson go to www.remembermybonds.com or in my links section. Thank You. Please go to the website it is important that you do. It would help them greatly. Please pray for them and their families and please get a petition from the website and circulate it and tell everyone you know about their situation.

Joshua Thompson's Letter From April 2006

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Psalms 1:1-3
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in THE LAW OF THE LORD, AND IS HIS LAW doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree…

Psalms 119:1-2
Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in THE LAW OF THE LORD. Blessed are they that keep his TESTIMONIES, and that seek him with the WHOLE HEART.

How quickly the months come and go; it never ceases to amaze me just how quickly they are passed and it is time to write you dear brothers again. Truly I know that Father has caused His face to shine upon us. He has blessed every step of the way, has comforted us with His Spirit, has guided us with His Word, has given us brothers and sisters to share our burdens and cares. How I long to be blessed of Father; it is the sole purpose of my life and only because of His favor and mercies can we rejoice with exceeding great joy while the lost have never tasted this joy or peace. Over and over and over again I have faced terrible battles where all hope seemed lost and yet not once was I defeated or cast down. Father has done great things on our behalf, on what seems a daily basis.
Father has given me a new job here; one of two where I can study, sing, pray and write without disruption. I sit on the only remaining picnic table on the unit. It is far away from the other men and noises. It is hard to believe it is real. I am most grateful for the opportunity Father has given me to clean the sewer screens every couple of hours. My former boss has gone out of his way to assist me and help me. Father has granted me favor in his eyes though it seemed as if our friendship was lost.
We have spent the last three weeks in lockdown and every single week I received a visit from a pastor. Pastor Sylvester Matthews of Mesquite, Texas; Missionary Dave Hoffmeister of Alaska and Missionary Matt Allen of Papua New Guinea stopped by to encourage me and lift me up. I wish you could see the inmates gathering around me asking of my visits, who had come to see me, what we had talked about, and when they were coming back. Though they have never received a pastoral visit they are as excited as I that someone would care for me enough to sacrifice their time and money for the trip. When mail is delayed they want to know if my brothers have forgotten me and if they still care. You never know the impact you have on the world and on these men by living unto Christ. When my wife arrives an hour late for a visit (she comes every week), they all want to know if she is upset or if we are having marital problems. It seems at times I can not reach them. Their hearts have become so hardened; most of these men have already done ten to fifteen years and will do at least the same before they see parole. The guards whom I have never spoken to or witnessed to have asked me about my wife and our marriage. They cannot understand her love and faithfulness to me. Even the maintenance supervisor and employees will find me and interrogate me about her and the pastors who came to visit me and where they are from. They want to know. You should see their faces when I say from Alaska, Papua New Guinea or Pennsylvania- Pastor Keenan and his son.
My heart is over whelmed, and I weep to think of Pastor Matthews, Pastor Hoffmeister, and Pastor Allen’s visits this past month. They could have passed on by. They are all very busy and have made great sacrifices on my behalf. I now have tasted of the promises of Christ made to Peter when Peter stated they had left all to follow Him. He said they would receive 100 fold in this life and much greater rewards in heaven. We have been given 100 folds yet heaven waits. Also this month, I have received books from Dr. Ron Gearis, Mrs. Keith Stensas, Dr. Mark Rasmussen and my precious parents. Many have sent pictures which are truly encouraging and worth many letters. We have nothing to give in return so we offer our prayers to Almighty Father and Creator of this world on your behalf. I weep as I write this letter because I am not worthy of such love or sacrifices and yet Father continues to bestow abundant grace and favor in my life. I pray with you and for you and the raising of your children and the salvation of the lost. So soon, so very soon these tears and small trials will be passed away and nothing shall separate us from the love of God and His righteousness. Dear Brothers, lift your dear brothers in foreign lands who have given all for His service. I wish they all would feel as blessed, loved and encouraged as we are. They are most special in the eyes of our Father. We love you and pray the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you this next month.

Your brother,

Joshua Thompson

Note: To better understand why Joshua and His brother are in prison go to
www.remembermybonds.com They are wonderful men of God. They have been under persecution.

S.M. Davis

Here are some messages you can listen to at
www.biblepeaching.com by Bro. /Dr. S.M. Davis

Freedom From The Spirit Of Anger"
78 MinAudio

"Freedom From The Destructiveness Of Anger"
63 MinAudio

"Why Satan Wants the 1st Born"
46 MinAudio

"Is A Man's Home A Biblical Priority?"
52 MinAudio

"Christ, the Husband's Example"
59 MinAudio

"The 7-Fold Power Of A Wife's Submission"
67 MinAudio

"The Attitude No Lady Should Have"
56 MinAudio

"God's Viewpoint on Having Babies"
53 MinAudio

"Keys to Maintaining Communication"
69 MinAudio

"What To Expect From A 12 Year Old"
58 MinAudio

"Bible Pictures Of Godly Children"
56 MinAudio

"Changing The Heart Of A Rebel"
62 MinAudio

"Conquering Satan's Strongholds"
71 MinAudio

"Consider The End"
50 MinAudio

"How To Build A Storm Proof Marriage"
62 MinAudio

"My Son, Give Me Thine Heart"
81 MinAudio

"The Language Of A Christian's Clothing"
87 MinAudio

"The Influence Of Older Children Over Younger Ones"
84 MinAudio

"Strategy For Victory In Spiritual Warfare"
79 MinAudio

"Praising Character Rather Than Achievement"
69 MinAudio

"How To Increase Your Life Potential"
65 MinAudio

"Freedom From The Destructiveness Of Lust"
63 MinAudio

"The Delightful Biblical Opportunities Of Grandparenting"
65 MinAudio

"What Must I Do To Be Saved?"
57 MinAudio

"When Forgiveness Won't Work"
55 MinAudio

"How To Train Up A Child In The Way He Should Go"
58 MinAudio

"How To Rebuild Broken Trust"
58 MinAudio

"Nothing Shall Offend Them"
63 MinAudio

"How To Help Rebellious Adopted or Stepchildren"
58 MinAudio

"How To Keep Your Children From Growing Bitter"
44 MinAudio

"How To Name Your Baby"
47 MinAudio

"Foreseeing The Problems That Could Wreck A Marriage"
46 MinAudio

"Knowing When To Let Go"
52 MinAudio

"Why Sexual Purity Still Matters"
49 MinAudio

"How Homes Relate To Each Other And The Church"
77 MinAudio

"Three Types Of Leadership"
52 MinAudio

"How To Tell True Repentance"
54 MinAudio

"The Bible and Church Finances"
59 MinAudio

At the end of the page there is also sermons on courtship by S.M. Davis if you want to listen to them online.


By Nancy Campbell
I receive constant complaints from mothers telling me how hurt they are from the negative comments which they receive from family and friends when they share the news that they are going to have another baby. "God gave you a brain, didn't He?" or "Oh No, not another one!" and so on. One Above Rubies reader wrote to me, "....I can't understand why people think children are such burdens that they'd only want one or two, and then suggest to me that I stop at that number also....I've sometimes joked with my husband that I could write a book of all the one liners people say and title it, "101 Reasons Why Not to Have Any More Children."
This gave me a wonderful idea. But I decided to dwell on the positive rather than the negative. I asked our readers of Above Rubies to share why they love having children. I received so many answers and so here are "101 Reasons Why Mothers Love Having Children." Many of these reasons were reiterated over and over again by different mothers.

  1. We love receiving gifts and blessings from God.
  2. Why would I ever want to turn down one of God's blessings?
  3. We not only want to receive gifts from God for ourselves, but we want to give more gifts to the world. Everyone God gives us is a gift to the world.
  4. It's so exciting to see who God will send to bless us each time.
  5. It's an honor for the Lord to use my womb again.
  6. I love being "with child."
  7. I love to see what God thinks of next. I believe each child is a precious and unique thought, with vast possibilities, straight from our Heavenly Father. It's the most exciting thing in my entire life to give birth and see the new little person. There is nothing that moves me as much as seeing the birth of a baby.
  8. I love to behold the handiwork of the Lord as a new little miracle comes forth.
  9. The birth of a baby is the ultimate fulfillment of love between a husband and wife. Each child is an unbreakable bond between a father and mother.
  10. It is amazing to think that each child is a part of me and my beloved husband.
  11. God said to Jeremiah, "BEFORE I formed you in the womb I knew you..." God is the One who will form my future children. If He knew Jeremiah before conception, then He knows all my children before conception, yes, even the children who haven't yet been formed. I don't want to refuse children God has chosen.
  12. I'd love another baby because to choose not to is like saying NO to God. I want to say YES to God and His will for my life.
  13. I'll have more people to love.
  14. I'll have more hands to help.
  15. I'll have more babies to nurse and therefore less risk of breast cancer.
  16. I feel so blessed that God wants to reward us again.
  17. I look upon each child as an incredibly beautiful jewel. Each one takes on a different loveliness and I can't wait to see the next jewel arrive.
  18. Another baby in the family makes my other children so happy.
  19. I love to see the faces of my children as they see a new brother or sister for the first time.
  20. Babies teach the older children so much about caring for little ones, being kind, protective, and unselfish.
  21. Children brighten up the home. They make life interesting.
  22. I become a better mother with each child I have.
  23. Children teach me patience.
  24. My children think I'm beautiful no matter how I look.
    The more children we have, the more they entertain one another.
  25. There's always someone around to visit with, play with, pray with, or read to.
  26. It's just as easy to cook for ten as it is for one!
  27. More children give us the opportunity to have our faith increased as we see God meet our daily needs.
  28. You have your own cheering squad in whatever you do.
  29. The more children we have, the more impact we have upon the world.
  30. We want to establish a godly dynasty that will continue down the generations to come.
  31. We want to raise another soul for Jesus.
  32. We desire to raise up a standard for God in this evil day.
  33. More children releases more of Christ in our home.
  34. Because babies are the most irresistible things on earth.
  35. There is nothing like a new baby in the house.
  36. There is no occupation more rewarding than motherhood.
  37. Because I am fulfilling the only career that is eternal! Every other career will be left behind when we leave this earth, but I can take my children with me into glory. My children are eternal souls who will live for ever.
  38. Parenthood is investing in eternity.
  39. Children are like arrows which we send to places where we will never be able to go.
  40. We want to fill our quiver.
  41. Because of the people who might be reached for Christ through this child.
  42. I want to increase the 'salt' and 'light' proportion in the world!
  43. We're forming our own orchestra to make music to the Lord.
  44. Having and raising children aids in sanctification of us parents.
  45. Having children helps to develop in us the godly character of servanthood.
  46. My children help me surrender the selfish desires of my flesh.
  47. Parenthood allows us to experience the kind of love our Heavenly Father has for us.
  48. In an era when so many individuals condone the denial, or taking of life - we want to give life - for life is sacred.
  49. We don't want to deprive our parents of their "crowning glory" (Proverbs 17:6). We want to bless them with grandchildren.
  50. Our children are my teachers. I learn sweet things from them every day.
  51. I'm replenishing the earth with godly seed.
  52. I want to be obedient to God's Word to "Be fruitful and multiply."
  53. My children are my friends and my brothers and sisters in the Lord. Now who can have too many of these?
  54. I have a passionate love for babies.
  55. I just love being a mother. I love being pregnant. I love giving birth and I love breastfeeding.
  56. I love the sweet smiles, the delightful giggle, the soft baby to cuddle.
  57. Jesus said that when we welcome a little child into our home and family we are actually welcoming Him. I don't want to spurn Jesus.
  58. We want our children to have the riches of many relationships with brothers and sisters.
  59. When we are no longer living, our children will have each other for encouragement, fellowship and a sense of family.
  60. The more children we have, the more our love is multiplied.
  61. We still have an empty seat in our van, and we'd like to fill it!
  62. Our children are all so wonderful, who could resist another one?
  63. God says that children are a reward and we believe Him!
  64. Children are the most precious gift of marriage.
  65. We get lots of experience in sharing and communicating.
  66. Children help me see my daily dependence on God for His wisdom and strength.
  67. I love to feel a precious life within my womb.
  68. Large families are FUN! And we love having fun.
  69. In a large family, the children and teenagers don't want to go out to find entertainment because they are lonely and bored - there is already fun and entertainment at home A new baby reminds me of how Jesus came into the world.
  70. To be open to more children shows our present children that we love them. How can our children understand the love of God if we have the attitude that a certain number of children is too many?
  71. More children help to grow the church.
  72. I want to rear strong soldiers for the Lord.
  73. I'll be able to spend eternity with my children.
  74. My body was created for this purpose.
  75. Family celebrations - birthdays, holidays and Christmas are even more wonderful with a new baby in the house.
  76. Hope for mankind is expressed in the miracle of a baby's birth. Wherever there is life, there is Hope.
  77. Babies are sweet, cuddly, adorable and have so much potential. It's like planting seeds in a flower garden - a beautiful bouquet for the future.
  78. There will be more people to pay for the aged's social security benefits.
  79. I want to yield my womb as a living sacrifice to God.
  80. To prevent menses and enjoy the nursing hormones of prolactin and oxytocin. My most enjoyable and peaceful times are during the absence of menses during pregnancy To give a sweet testimony to a lost world.
  81. Babies remind us of how wonderful and how creative our God is.
  82. We are training a godly generation that will cover the earth with the Gospel and prepare the way for Jesus' return.
  83. Younger children teach the older children how to be helpers. By the time the are old enough to be married and have children of their own, they'll be prepared for raising them.
  84. I want another arrow for God's army.
  85. I love to feel a precious new life moving within me.
  86. I would hate to stand before God on Judgment Day and have to answer why I rejected the children He had ordained for our family.
  87. Our children have taught me the value of relationships and the shallowness of the world's value system.
  88. I trust God in all other areas of my life and I want to trust Him in the area of having children too.
  89. It sure is nice to kiss and smell a little one again. Their scent is so sweet.
  90. Babies are also a blessing to other people. They sure love to hold and cuddle mine. Since my siblings have stopped at two children per family, I want to supply them for my parents and everyone else's pleasure.
  91. Our horizon and interests are constantly widened. Each child is born with a different destiny upon his/her life. Each child has different gifts. As we encourage our children in their varied gifts we constantly learn new things ourselves. Our children will often take on ventures and interests that we would never have dreamed of. Parenthood is not confining, but enlarging.
  92. Babies are future dish washers!
  93. Babies are a lot more entertaining than TV.
  94. We're helping to build the kingdom of God.
  95. So I can buy cute baby and children's clothes, even if it's at a yard sale.
  96. I'll be able to spend eternity with my children.
  97. Children teach me to become a servant, and that's what Jesus wants us to be. Jesus
  98. Himself said He came to serve rather than to be served.
  99. To be convicted of sin and the need for repentance as I observe my sinful nature in my children's sinful natures.
  100. The more children we have, the more we will be blessed when we are older. Instead of being lonely, we will have many children and grandchildren around to entertain us, bless us and care for us.
  101. Raising up a godly seed is laying up treasure in heaven.

Having children causes us to depend upon God moment by moment!

After reading all these wonderful reasons, wouldn't you like another baby?

* * * * *
This article is printed from the study manual, God's Vision for Families.
GOD'S VISION FOR FAMILIEISWhat the Bible says about having ChildrenBy Nancy Campbell

This manual goes into the Word of God to see what God says about havingchildren. How many should we have? Does the Bible have anything to say onthis subject? Order the manual to check out. You'll get lots ofsurprises. Every married couple needs to study this manual together. Italso has questions for personal meditation or discussion at the end ofeach chapter.Price: $12.00 US plus $1.58 shippingSpecial bulk price: 3 - 9 copies - $9.00 each, 10 ore more - $7.00 each