Send Someone Now
So many now are dying never hearing of thy grace.
I'm ready now my life to yield,
But Lord send someone back into the field.
Send someone now to labor for Thy name.
For though we're weak Thy love is just the same.
To be with Thee, O Lord, for me is gain;
But who will tell them?
Lord send someone to tell them of Christ
whose blood can wash away each stain.
I've fought the fight, I've run the course you've laid for me.
I've tried so hard to be just what you planned for me to be.
I'm longing now to hear thee say well done;
To see my Saviour Jesus Christ Thy Son.
Send someone now the harvest fields are white.
Time passes on and day turns into night.
If night should find me safe on Heaven's shore;
Then who will tell them?
Lord send someone to tell them
before they perish lost forever more.
------Ray Adams
Dedicated to Jim Cooper, missionary to the Caicos Islands in the Bahamas(1961 to 1973). He lived from 1928 to 1973.
At Monday, June 05, 2006,
Nancy said…
Thanks for updating, sista! I mean, 3 days is and awful long time to go without an update!! :p
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